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Here are a couple of tips to help you plan for your Webinar:

#1 Watch From Your LapTop or Desktop If You Can

It is far easier to jot down notes and stay focused on the training if you’re using a desktop or laptop computer. (You’ll likely be less distracted and actually retain MORE information by watching from a desktop, as opposed to a mobile device.) But if you are on a mobile device right now, it's ok and you should stay on it so you don't lose this page. So plan RIGHT NOW to provide yourself with the best learning environment and experience!

#2 Block Out 60 Minutes For This Important Webinar

We’ll be covering a TON in this webinar, so block out at least 60 minutes for this in advance. That way, you won’t have to jump on a call or take a meeting halfway through this important webinar where we will cover EXACTLY how this system works.

Event Ticket For The Webinar
Don't forget to mark your calendar.

You'll be automatically redirected to the training when the timer reaches 00:00:00
